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顧客留言 Kind Words


Sue & Sidney 之謝言:

各位親愛的客人, 謝謝你們的電郵。你們到訪時那種親切,客氣的態度, 就像熟朋友來我家吃飯一般, 很溫馨, 也帶給我們很多歡樂。實在感謝天父讓我們遇上一班像你們那麼棒的客人,你們的欣賞及認同, 就像小天使般給予我們極大的支持及鼓勵。我們將繼續努力提昇我們的食物及服務質素, 以報答你們的厚愛。

再次感謝各位 ! 請繼續支持 Bon Appetit 及其他對飲食付出努力及熱誠的食肆,以使香港這飲食之都能百花齊放, 更上一層樓。


(各位親愛客人,再次感激你們的鼓勵, 若你不想留言被張貼, 請電郵給我們, 我們會盡快移除。不便之處,敬請見諒!)

------ From Terry and Pinky on 2010/12/14 -----------

Hi Sue,

十分感謝你鵀w排, 令我翵D婚大計當晚順利完成!
我同女朋友都非常感動! 多謝!
祝Bon Appetit 生意蒸蒸日上, 我會介紹多D人黎幫襯你架喇!



Terry & Pinky

------ From 姚小姐 on 2010/11/28 -----------

Hi Sue & Sidney,







------ From Leo on 2010/3/29 -----------


This is Leo, is a pleasure to have a dinner and great dinner at your place, thanks a lot for the crab that your first time made, it is wonderful, i'm sure agatha and i will visit again in a short period, keep in touch.


Leo Lai

------ From Jennifer on 2009/11/30 -----------

Hi Sue & Sidney

Thank you so much for serving us a nice dinner last night. My bf and I had a good time here. We both are very happy and enjoyable with your delicious food and the relaxing environment. Partcularly thanks for your tailor-made "Snow Mounain on Fire" birthday cake for my bf. He likes it so much. Thank You ^^

Warmest Regards,


------ From Sharon on 2009/6/9 -----------

Dear Sue,

I would like to thank you for the wonderful arrangement on Sunday night. My parents and family members were very happy. They liked the overall ambience at the restaurant and they liked the fusion food concept. The night at Bon Appetit was memorable.

I have written a blog message about my experience that night.


You can view it when you have time.


------ From ak ka on 2008/8/5 -----------

Dear Sue

I can’t thank enough for your service and concern during my birthday dinner, your team not only provide service and food care but also great professionalism as well.
Gratitudes are for all, especially Miss Sue, the enthusiasm for their hard work is much commended.
Thanks for your arrangement last night. We are very happy and enjoyable for your delicious food and relaxing environment.

Thanks !

------ From Javis on 2008/7/8 -----------

Hi Sue & Sidney,

I am back to Tpi now and would like to say tks a lot for the nice arrangment. All are "SUPER" for my friends also for me~~ We enjoy very much and really have a good time at that night.
Good job and nice dish~ Attached our happy time photo for you. And as promised my German friends and I will come back in Nov.
Thank you very much~
Have a nice day


------ From Kingi on 2008/4/15 -----------

你們好,我4月9日晚上在你們那兒用過餐的.那晚我事後還求婚了.(當然都成功了啦!) 你們的餐廳實在很值得推介!也給你們看看我寫的blog: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/kingiming/article?mid=1145 我一定會再找機會去搵你們吃飯的.

------ From Wing on 2008/3/12 -----------

HI SUE, 多謝今晚既一餐,好好味,service都好好呀,感謝你地!!!


------ From Tiffany & Dennis on 2008/2/28 -----------

Hi Sue & Sidney,


昨晚係我和我 先生(Dennis)之七週年結婚紀念日, 好多謝你為我們悉心介紹每一道食物及場地安排, 這裡給我們二人有溫馨感覺,
環境清靜, 此外,我們亦要感謝你們的大廚. ^-^


------ From Dowson on 2008/2/13 -----------

Thanks for serving a nice dinner for us.
My wife was pleased with the meal and we had a good time.


------ From Biona Lai on 2008/2/4 -----------

Hihi, Sue and Sydney

Thank you very much for your serving at the dinner on 1 Feb 2008. Our 5 couples really enjoyed the dishes with the warmest place you provided. My husband and me really touching with the mission which Sue shared with us. May the amazing grace from the God always be with both of you.

I hope we can arrange another time to have the dinner at your place again.

With warmest regards,
Biona Lai

------ From Jennifer on 2008/1/16 -----------

Thank you very much for your warm hospitality on 13 Dec 07 to celebrate my best friend's birthday.

He loved your dishes very much and we enjoyed the night.

Appreciated your sharing on cooking and look forward to meeting you next time.

Best Regards, Jen :)

------ From Clement on 2007/11/9 -----------

Dear Sue and Sidney

We had dinner at your restaurant last night and we had a great time. The food was delicious and the service was superb. The ambience of the restaurant is comfortable and cosy. Well done!

It was a pity that my foie gras d’oie was not properly cooked for the first couple of times, but it was great in the end. Thanks!

I like the Christian songs played last night. May God bless your ministry abundantly!

By the way, as a French restaurant, I suppose you also play some French music every now and again, rigtht?


Clement Chan

------ From Denise on 2007/118/17 -----------






---------- From Ada on 2007/8/17 -----------


Hi Sue & Sidney,

Would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks for your last night arrangement, please also kindly sent our thanks & best regards to the Chef as well !!! We all did enjoy the food & environment last night.

Thanks & regards,
Ada Lo

------ From Ada on 2007/8/9 -----------

Hi Sue,

Would like to take this opportunity to share with you that my friend told me that he & his friend had a good time in your place & they really enjoyed the food as well.

Thanks for your warmest hospitality. Have a nice weekend!

Look forward to be in your place.


------ From Sze Wa on 2007/7/24 -----------

Dear Sue and Sidney,

Thanks for the warm night on 20/7. It was one of the most memorable dinners in our life. =) We both love it and are talking about it even now!

Given the chance, we would definitely revisit you couples again in the future!

God bless you. ^^

Best regards,

------ From Cherry & Chris on 2007/6/12 -----------

Jun 12, 2007 my BF Chris birthday we have a wonderful night!
we can see ur heart from ur delicious dishes!

我]一定會再去的 ...

this is my BLOG:


------ From Kelly & Michael on 2007/6/8 -----------

Dear Sidney,

Hello, my husband and I would like to say Thank You for your serve and arrangement. All the foods a Good and Fresh!! We are all enjoyable yesterday, your smile....everything~ and I'm happy to hear your mission. I'll pray for U and your family~

God Bless U all~

Many THANKS!!!

Kelly & Michael

------ From Marie on 2007/4/11 -----------






------ From Adrian on 2007/4/5 -----------

Dear Sue, Sidney, Ringo (hopefully I remember your name correctly!),

This is Adrian, the guy who got a serious cold and finally engaged with his fiancee.

First of all, I would like to say Thank you to your nice service and arrangement, it made my plan go smoothly, wonderful! Your quick and attentive service had double up the taste of tonight's meal.

Let me give some comments to your meal:

1. 女人的心 南瓜蕃茄冷熱湯 Very delicious, actually I never tasted a soup which had cold and hot combination! But if you could increase the ratio of cold soup, I would much more appreciate! Please let me taste Women's heart furthermore!

2. 香煎鵝肝配魚子醬 This is great, the goose liver is very fresh and fine cooked, come with red-wine jelly, it's miracle indeed! Also, more jelly is preferable!

3. 荔枝醋墨魚沙律 For this dish, I can tell you I like squid very much, especially sashimi style. The salad with Lychee vinegar is something new to me.

4. 香醬焗青口 I can't tell the special taste of this dish, but seasoning is very good! I could taste the freshness.

5. 脆皮鴨配紅酒汁 或 香草燒雞 Well-cooked duck with red-wine, if I the volume could be reduced a little bit, would love it more! For the Chicken, I am not challenging Ringo, but I think it's a little bit hard, anyway I finished it.

6. 田螺燴天使麵 This is just great! About-right quantity, and I seldom taste snail in this way, everything just new to me!

7. 甜品:火焰雪山 I am sorry I can remember the taste clearly, coz what I could taste at that time was just "SWEET"! Forgive me!

8. 清香花茶 Fresh taste, very suitable after a good meal.

Again, thanks for your arrangement, the seats with more privacy, card, flower keeping service, etc. You brought success to me.
I promise I will come in someday again, please design more delicious dishes as tonight!

My fiancee said she was satisfied too. We love your restaurant.

Best regards,

------ From Nora on 2007/3/21 -----------

thx Sidney,i feel grateful as u gave me a memorable night with my friend^v^the helpful manner,tasty food,and warm atmosphere make me want to come again!i love ur sweet presentation of dishes and ur birthday song for my friend!Hope more people will know BON APPETIT & enjoy here!cheer^v^

------ From William on 2007/2/6 -----------

Dear Sue,

I am William Leung last Sunday, we are happy with the food and service much!!

Thank you for you and Sidney!!


------ From Vicky on 2007/1/26-----------

Bon Appetit的裝修真的很漂亮~
thank you~~我一定會再黎的~~((好掛住那些鵝干和紅酒亶瞶~))^^


------ From Gary on 2007/1/21-----------

Hi Sue & Sidney,

我未婚妻好感動呀! 謝謝你地既配合,使我求婚成功!




------ From April on 2007/1/18-----------

It has been almost a month after visiting your private room on 21Dec06. Just want to say thank you and all your team very much for offering us a very unforgettable and delicious night. Every course is a surprise ! Please keep up the good job. I will be back soon.

Hope you all the best in the year 2007 and onwards.


------ From Sonia and Gary on 2007/1/2-----------

Dear Sue and Sidney,

Firstly, I really want to pass my appreciate to your great service
while I am so happy with my wife on X'mas. However, the X'mas menu should
good fit of my request also and the important is my wife love it so
much. I gurantee that I will come to your place and have a great dinner
again because I really love the dessert of '' Fire Mountain " and remeber
that? your great service to me in fantastic night. Keep going and support forever!


Sonia and Gary Lau

------ From Mark on 2006/12/26-----------

Dear Sue,




------ From Annie on 2006/12/20-----------

Dear Sue :

昨晚得到你熱情的招待, 今早一回到公司已收到朋友到們的e-mail(s), 他/她們對Bon Appetit 的環境及食物均讚不絕口。

想你也知道,作為一個聚會的搞手,如果選錯地方,或是食物未能令朋友滿意,  都會令聚會大為失色。 但每次我把朋友帶來Bon Appetite,都未曾令我及我的朋友失望過, 每每都贏盡口碑。

現在想到Bon Appetit 吃飯已經愈來愈難訂位了,這倒也是好事,證明你們愈來愈受歡迎, 也替你們高興。因知道你們很努力的不斷求進,所以這都是你們應得的。

附上朋友對你們的讚美e-mail (請開附件),希望能對你作出一點鼓勵吧! 我不介意你將這些美言post 上去你Bon Appetite 的網頁,供其他客人一起分享啊!


Fans of Bon Appetit


------ From Annie & Friends on 2006/12/20-----------

Dear Annie and all,

 Thank you for your wonderful arrangement last night, very enjoyable dinner. The food and the enviornment was great. I will definitely recommend Cindy to try out.  Merry Christmas, everyone! 



Dear all,

I share the same view with Garish.   It is a good place to dine with friends. 

Many thanks.  Looking forward to our next gathering.

David & Mabel


Dear annie,

 I feel full this morning !!I think every of us enjoy the dinner very much....diary marked ...looking forward to our trip......



My dear friends,


Merry Christmas!!!




Dear Annie, Jacky & all friends ,

Thank you so much for all your effort and contributions to this gathering, in particular, Annie, Garish and Angeli. I enjoy very much especially the friendship. Sue's place is very wonderful and the food of course is compatible to a 5 Stars Restaurant. I am sure that I will go again and recommend to others. 

Looking forward to seeing you all soon.



Dear all,

 Good Food, Good Wine and Good Friends. All the things we both never forget. Thanks so much and we longing for the next gathering.

Merry Christmas and All the best !

 With Love from Angeli & Bernard 

------ From Yuk & Wing on 2006/12/17-----------




------ From Kristy on 2006/12/14-----------

Hello Sue 又係我Kristy ar,真係多謝你前晚ge招待. 我同我男朋友都食得好開心, 我真係真係要再同你再講多聲Thank You .因為我黎食飯之前有太多問題問la, 但你都好有耐性去答我. 另外上到黎你又好nice又留個好位俾我地仲唱埋生日歌俾我男朋友聽真係好多謝你呀. 希望Bon Appetit 日日都full booking.

------ From Alvin & Agnes on 2006/11/24-----------


------ From Kitty, Joan & Sally on 2006/11/21-----------

I would like to say thank you to you for the nice dinner in celebrating my friend, Joan's birthday. It's really a cozy place to chat with those delicious dishes.
We had a wonderful night here.

Thanks a lot!

Kitty, Joan & Sally

-------From Clover on 2006/11/18---------

Thanks a lot for your service.

We enjoyed so much with your wonderful arrangement. Thanks again for preparing such an impressive birthday dinner for us.

May God bless you always!

In Christ,
Clover & Wilson

--------From Raymond on 2006/11/9---------

真係好多謝妳昨晚熱情既招待 , 令到我女朋友過了一個很難忘的生日 ( 佢收到我送既禮物都無咁開心呀 ^o^ " ) ha ha...........

而美食方面 , 真係除了用"好好味"形容之外 , 我實在諗唔到再可以點講啦!!! 還有 , 使我最欣賞的是閣下殷切和友善態度 , 使我們覺得不是去了食私房菜 , 而是去了一個好朋友屋企食了一餐豐富的大餐.



9 / 11 / 2006

-------From Cynthia on 2006/11/8--------

Here are our memories ~ our BIG birthday of Year 06 ~

Thank you so much giving me a wonderful birthday and so happy to know we have same character .....hahah!!!

Keep in touch and let's plan for next gathering?



------ From Miu on 2006/9/29-----------

Dear Sue and Sidney,

Thanks very much for the arrangements.? All of us so enjoyed the dinner!

Most important, thank you for your tolerance as we had kept you late last night.?

Best regards,


------ From German Cheung on 2006/9/26 -------

Dear Sue and Sidney,

Last Saturday, my friend and I had a wonderful time in Bon Appetit. Thank for introducing us a special menu. Since this was my third visit, Sue recommended something unusual from the set menu. We enjoyed the duck rolls and and the dessert "Crispy Fortunate bag".

The lychee sauce which is specially prepared by Sue was also impressive.

Dining in such a wonderful place with warm and homely service is definitely worth remembering.

Keep on the good work Sue and Sidney.

Best wishes,
German Cheung
26th September 2006


------ From Ella on 2006/8/15-----------

Hi Sue,

I would like to leave a msg in your " Kind Words". Actually I wrote a comment to "Openrice" but it was not been published until now. It makes me feel that forum is a fair public site or not.

I want to say thank you to your nice and generous treat on Aug 15, which is my bf's birthday. Your special arrangement of the birthday card and the flamming snow mountain as a birthday cake is . Besides, the floor set up in your house is very romantic and warm. So that we can speak freely just like home. To my surprise on that night, we are the only pair occupied the whole living room (since the room was occupied by another birthday party). Actually, this is really a value-added service that I had no need to pay extra for this :-) This is an unforgottable experience for me too !!

I hope that my comment can be published by "openrice" in the near future !!

------ From Tracy and Kevin on 2006/7/23-----------

Dear Sidney & Sue

Thank you very much! We enjoyed it much.......


Tracy & Kevin

------ From Hei on 2006/7/13-----------

Hi sidney and sue,

Thank you very much and thank you for give us a wonder night!



------ From Christina on 2006/4/20-----------

Dear Sue,

You probably dont remember me, but i came to have a dinner party at your restaurant last summer and you served great french food. I have recently found a picture of that night. I thought i could share it with you. I do appologise for this sudden email.

Lastly, I want to thank you very much for holding the dinner party with excellent food for us. It was a memorabe night for all of us. And I certainly would love to visit again.

Take care.

Best Wishes,


------ From Nicky on 2006/4/4-----------

Dear Sue and Sidney,

I wanted to post this to "Kind Words" but I don't know how....

Just want to say thank you for the nice dinner on 30th Mar,. I thank GOD for knowing you two. And I was encouraged by your testimony. Me and Himson had a great time and we enjoyed the food you served!! I love the angle hair the most!! Lovely food and lovely service!! And I also want to thank you for the sincer service that you two provided !! Expecially the birthday song for Himson!! Thank you and thank you! I believe it was GOD's plan to bring us to your restaurant!! Praise the LORD and looking forward to seeing you two again!

In Him


------ From Elly on 2006/4/11-----------

Dear Sue,

Here the photos we are taken on the last Saturday ! Thanks your warm serving on that day!
May God bless you and your husband.

Best regards,


------ From Ben on 2006/3/24-----------

Dear Sue and your fellow,

Thank you for your warm serving, we all did enjoy a wonderful night.
nice place, nice dishes, nice people, nice mood ......

Attached ticket and gathering photo are the souvenirs for you :-)

Well done and thanks again!



------ From Daby on 2006/3/1-----------

Dear Sidney & Sue,

We enjoyed the dinner at "Bon Appetit" which gave the special food, harmony environment & excellent service to us on March 1. As to the photos, pls e-mail to me. So, we can re-call the good memory at Bon Appetit. Thanks !


------ From Benny on 2006/2/27-----------

Dear Sue

趁今天有空給妳一個e-mail,謝謝那晚你先生的招待,我遲了很多才前來,不好意思!"女人的心"仍是那麼吸引! 客套話不懂得說太多了,有機會的話一定會再帶同多些朋友前來!



------ From Betty on 2006/2/14-----------

Dear Sue,

Thanks for offering us such a romantic Valentine's Day dinner. Although we finished the dinner a bit late (session 2), both my husband and I enjoyed the food and time with you.



------ From Philip on 2006/2/14-----------

Hi Sue:

今年情人節我同女朋友在你餐廳食得很開心,多謝你喔!下個月4號〔星期六〕,我會 同朋友來吃飯,連我同女朋友一共四位,到時又可以再見到你了,唔知道今次會唔會有 我最最鐘意食的三文魚又或者我女友最愛吃的熱梳乎厘呢?要滿足兩個願望會唔會好難 呀?哈!阿Sue!上次用你相機影過D相,可否俾個Copy我呢,等我幫你宣傳一下,話俾 人知我識個靚靚老闆娘,叫佢地多D來幫襯啦!我咁好,係唔係應該下次錫一啖先,唔 係俾我,俾我女朋友啦!要不是她呷醋起來,我就麻煩了!哈哈!


Philip Lee

------ From Paul on 2006/2/13-----------

Hi Sue,

Many thanks for your nice arrangement, We have a great time there.

Happy Valentine's Day!!


Paul Yeung

------ From Vesta on 2006/2/1-----------

hi Sue, thanks for your nice arrangement for my friends' bday dinner last time. BTW, is there still have table for 2 on 14/2??? if yes, can u send me the menu n price as well. Thanks for your help! Love, Vesta

------ From Daniel on 2006/1/24-----------

Hi Sue,

Not sure, you remember us, but just want say thanks for your kindly serving on the special supper, and your warm hospitality will be missed. and I have a great time to reunion with my family.

Thanks, and take care.


------ From Chester on 8/7-----------

Hello sue,

很多謝你上次的熱心幫手, 你所介紹的美食令我及我女朋友度過了一個難忘的生日.

你的細心完美地補救了我沒有準備的各種事項, 例如相機,生日蛋糕. 最開心的當然是美食加上出乎意料的火焰雪山.


---------From Tuhlis Ip on 8/4 ----

( 親愛的藍鳥兒, 能為你預備生日會實在是我的榮幸, 你的酮X, 當晚與朋友及同事那種真摯的友情, 直教人動容。還有你和你朋友在離開前那番鼓勵性說話, 很窩心…….我也很喜歡你們呀 ! )

Dear Sue,

It's my great pleasure to meet you! I do sincerely appreciate and thank you for your kind arrangement for my birthday dinner with my dear friends. What a wonderful and memorable time it was!!!

From you, I recall a christian song sang when I was at secondary school, "They'll know we're christians by our love". With your love and care, I can feel that you're serving your customers straight from your heart. Personally speaking, I really appreciate you very very much!!! And your food is really very delicious!!! Add oil ah!!! There is no need to pay too much attention to those comments posted at thewebsite. Since it is just a causal reference and more importantly taste is kind of subjective sense, right?! I will surely visit you shortly. See you again at Bon Appetit soon.  

May God bless you! 



----------- From Elsie Man on 7/29 ----

( Dear Elsie, 實在感激你的支持,不單電郵上之鼓勵詞, 還有實際行動…. 同一個月到訪兩次…. ! 你的爽朗好像熟朋友到訪般令我很輕鬆自在, 沒有壓力,可暢所欲言…還有可愛的 Josephine及其他朋友們,令我有個愉快晚上, 再次多謝你們 ! ^_^ )

Dear Sue,

Thanks again for the lovely dinner! We enjoyed it very much. I liked

the desert very much. It's very FRESH!!! Can't wait to come again!

Thanks for everything.

-------------- From Elsie Man on 7/16 ------------------

Dear Sue,

Remember me? Last Sat night (9th July)? The 9 girls who didn't let you leave earlier...

Well, I just want to let you know the dinner was excellent and everyone would like to say thanks to you and the mysterious chef and helper...Also, I would like to say a special thanks for the desert (Baked Alaska) which had made my little friend very happy as she thought it was a surprise arranged by us.

Thanks a lot and good business.

Miss MAN


Sue 言 : 7月15日是令人十分沮喪的一天, 因為有人( 不是本店顧客 )在某飲食網站投了一篇虛假食評攻擊本店, 另一方面,又發現很多顧客投的好食評都被editors hold 起, 縱使我已提供當晚客人用餐照片及由訂位到食后謝言之往來電郵以作証明, 但仍交涉不果, 所以頓感灰心失望, 眼淚也不自控地流出, 跪下禱告, 求神伸張公義, 賜安慰及綑綁一切來自撒旦的攻擊。感謝神, 衪聽了我的祈求, 於同一下午, 我先后收到兩位客人電子郵咭, 裡面盡是安慰鼓勵之言, 傷痛心靈頓時得到釋放, 另一邊?, 發現有顧客( 亦是主內弟兄 ) 也上網投了笑臉票且通過編輯審查后被張貼了。一連三個 ”喜訊“ 實在是主回應禱告的見証。神確是信實而公義的, 願一切感謝頌讚全歸給祂 !


----- From Grace Siu on 7/15 ------

(Grace, 多謝你由開業自今不離不棄的支持, 若沒有你和 Julie, 真不知怎樣捱過以往那些最困難的日子…… 實在充心感謝你們兩位小天使 ! 盼望你們早日信主 J)



Stay Strong & Cheer up! We are looking forward to enjoying your excellent food & service again.
Don't fed up because of this little challenge -else your competitor will win ! So, No More Tears (except happy tears)...
Don't focus on what you have lost. Now, take a look at what you have got on hand...more important is not to disappoint the group of loyal supporters on your list ! – Love, Grace

----- From Jolly Leung on 7/15 ------

( Dear Jolly, 縱使只在電話中交談,未曾與你見面, 想不到你卻那麼細心地寄我一張 E-card. 它像及時雨般沖走了我的傷痛, 但卻添了我的眼淚,( 感動的淚 )。再次多謝你的鼓勵, 在你到訪當天, 我們定必盡心為你烹調美食以報答你的支持及厚愛 ! )

Message : “ Sometimes no matter how hard we try, things happen that are beyond our control, don’t let this make you doubt yourself or your capabilities, you’re still the same wonderful person you always were. “

Dear Sue,

Cheer up, it's no need to be sad by the one who doesn't care about u, only the one who love us has the right to get our attention and arouse our unhappiness... ^^
There are still many people who stand by you, let's cheer up for them!!


--------- From Gilbert on 7/8 ------------------

Hi Sue,

Thank you for your serving on Monday! The food quality is good especially the 香草燒春雞 and 火焰雪山. I think if some meals are selected by myself, it is perfect. Coz, like I don't feel goose liver texture good. So, I don't like it much. I can choose other. But I think it is good for someone like to eat it. Anyway, you gave us a enjoyable dinner on that night. Looking forward to your new food.

Thank you


--------- From Agnes on 7/8 ------------------

Dear Sue,


i have tried to post my comment in Open Rice website la~ see whether they post or not......actually you are free to post my comment as below to your website ar..........


結果email算幾快回覆,仲send埋menu參考,menu可以轉,主人SUE都提議不同菜色,在她極力推介下,都試了她幾個招牌菜.而且之前一兩天都有電話follow up,令人放心.




值得大班朋友一去的地方,應可更有優待tailor made更多不同款式的dishes吧!

*SUE,繼續努力,食物質素顧之然重要,但我最欣賞你那朋友式的細心服務呀,keep住!! :p*

--------- From Agnes on 7/7 ------------------

Dear Sue,

Thanks for your arrangement last night. We are very happy and enjoyable for your delicious food and relaxing environment......also your tailor-made service la~

and, just want to ask would you please send the photos to me? My bf and I are very looking forward to have a look ar.....Thanks!



--------- From Edward Lee on 7/4 -------

(Dear Edward, 好多謝你既 email ! 縱使你見到那麼多苦臉食評, 仍投我們信任票, 繼續訂位。加上見到你的 email, 實在令我十分感動。而你的評語真的很詳細,也很中懇及真實, 相信你是一個對食物很有研究的食家! -我們確實仍有很多改進之空間, 你的寶貴意見實在令我們獲益良多。能為津津這個又乖巧又可愛的小妹妹預備派對,我也很開心。請順便替我稱讚 8 歲的表哥, 縱使要滿口麵粉檢糖,仍毫不介意,年紀雖少, 但很有大將之風呢 !再次多謝你們的到訪及電郵,我們定必繼續努力,以報答你們的支持及鼓勵。)

Dear Sue,




湯 ( 女人的心 ) (味道好好,有賣點,不愧為招牌湯)
蒜蓉巴馬腿法包蝦多士配黑魚子醬(味道好好, 魚子醬鮮味)
燒魚塊香草四季果沙律(味道好好, 如下層沙律材料顏色更豐富,效果更好)
甜品: 雪山火焰(味道好好,賣相靚)  
甜品 : 脆脆乳酪雜果杯 (味道好)
生日旦糕 (好靚,好滿意)


場地方面, 察覺如安排在另外房間取食物,配合上菜程序, 十道菜可能要行十次去取,這樣不太方便,另因有老人及小朋友,不能長時間捧著碟,如把食放在桌上享用,會較方便,

此外, 最令感到欣賞的,係SUE妳的殷切的服務及友善的態度,對創造菜式的熱誠.並代我多謝一聲係廚房忙一頭煙的哥哥.



edward Lee

------From Flora ( 6/25 )----------------------


多謝你同埋你既同事熱情既招待﹗﹗D野好好味呀~~因為我阿哥同阿嫂買左飛睇戲﹐所以今日食得比較趕﹐好感激你D同事﹐知道我地趕時間﹐立刻幫我地安排D野食快D上﹗辛苦你地了~ 我家人全部都覺得食得好開心呢﹗

希望你地繼續努力~等我得閑就會寫多D comment 比番你地喇﹗


------------- From Fion on 6/24 ------------------

Hi, Sue,

Don,t unhappy la !!!   I feel you are the nice and friendly girl, is a perfect boss. I promise that I will to patronize Bonappetit in coming days soon. Thanks for your phone and nice to talk with you. Thank you.



-----------From Iris on 6/21 ----------------------

It\'s me again. Thank you for the fabulous food on last Thursday night. Sorry about the trouble that cause to you by 18 of us.My colleagues would like to make a booking on xx June at 7:30 for 8 pax…………..

------ From Amy on 6/15---------------


謝謝你昨天晚上的悉心安排, 我的老闆和同事都十分滿意, 他們都讚食物十分好味, 個個都食得好飽, 真是十分感激!

亦很感謝你聽取了我的意見, 在伴碟和其他方面作出了特別安排, 真的安排得非常好!

我會推薦給其他同事和朋友, 希望你的生意越做越好! 俾心機!


------- From Bosco on 6/14 ---------------


今次想同女朋友慶祝生日,日期係 xx / 6,


--------- From Shannon Bridgeford on 6/6 -----------------------

Sue, thank you for a great night we had alot of fun and really great food. I will not hesitate to refer your establishment to friends.


-------------- From A.Chung on 6/3 --------------------

Hi Sue,

Thank you very much for your dinner tonight.We all 4 persons have fun tonight.

--------------- From Ms Wong on 5/3 -----------------------------




---------- From Sunny on 3/24----------------------

Hi Sue,

真係好多謝你o既招待, 我求婚成功, 你的私房菜同埋張卡都要記一功呢! ^_^

真係好多謝你! 稍後先補番個食評俾你啦!

另外, 我都介紹左你間舖俾同事, 希望佢地都會好快黎幫襯你啦!



------------------- From Tara on 1/12 ------------------------------

Thank you very much for your wonderful dinner arrangement on 12 Jan.

My friends and I really enjoyed the place and the meal you provided.

-------- From Lawrence on 9/19/04

Dear Sue,

Tks again for a great dinner and a new "twist" on some traditional dishes served.

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bridal shower ,母親節,dinner, dinner, mother'sday,食譜,食譜,食譜,食譜,recipe,recipe,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,food,food,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant in hong kong,restaurant in hong kong,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,restaurant, 特色小食, 小食, 小食, 慶典包場, 慶典, 包場, 慶典, 包場, 到會, 晚餐, 晚餐, 晚飯, 晚飯, 晚飯, Private kitchen, private dining, private kitchen, private dinner, french restaurant,french restaurant,restaurant,restaurant, dinner, dinner, fine food, fine food, French food, French food 私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,private kitchen, private kitchen, private kitchen,promotion, promotion, promotion, restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐, Christmas Party, Christmas party, annual dinner, Annual Dinner, 聖誕派對, 週年聚餐, 週年晚宴, 週年晚飯, 生日, 派對, bridal shower, bridal shower ,母親節,dinner, dinner, mother'sday,食譜,食譜,食譜,食譜,recipe,recipe,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,food,food,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant in hong kong,restaurant in hong kong,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,restaurant, 特色小食, 小食, 小食, 慶典包場, 慶典, 包場, 慶典, 包場, 到會, 晚餐, 晚餐, 晚飯, 晚飯, 晚飯, Private kitchen, private dining, private kitchen, private dinner, french restaurant,french restaurant,restaurant,restaurant, dinner, dinner, fine food, fine food, French food, French food 私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,private kitchen, private kitchen, private kitchen,promotion, promotion, promotion, restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐, Christmas Party, Christmas party, annual dinner, Annual Dinner, 聖誕派對, 週年聚餐, 週年晚宴, 週年晚飯, 生日, 派對, bridal shower, bridal shower ,母親節,dinner, dinner, mother'sday,食譜,食譜,食譜,食譜,recipe,recipe,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,food,food,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant in hong kong,restaurant in hong kong,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,restaurant, 特色小食, 小食, 小食, 慶典包場, 慶典, 包場, 慶典, 包場, 到會, 晚餐, 晚餐, 晚飯, 晚飯, 晚飯, Private kitchen, private dining, private kitchen, private dinner, french restaurant,french restaurant,restaurant,restaurant, dinner, dinner, fine food, fine food, French food, French food 私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,private kitchen, private kitchen, private kitchen,promotion, promotion, promotion, restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐, Christmas Party, Christmas party, annual dinner, Annual Dinner, 聖誕派對, 週年聚餐, 週年晚宴, 週年晚飯, 生日, 派對, bridal shower, bridal shower ,母親節,dinner, dinner, mother'sday,食譜,食譜,食譜,食譜,recipe,recipe,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,food,food,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant in hong kong,restaurant in hong kong,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,restaurant, 特色小食, 小食, 小食, 慶典包場, 慶典, 包場, 慶典, 包場, 到會, 晚餐, 晚餐, 晚飯, 晚飯, 晚飯, Private kitchen, private dining, private kitchen, private dinner, french restaurant,french restaurant,restaurant,restaurant, dinner, dinner, fine food, fine food, French food, French food 私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,private kitchen, private kitchen, private kitchen,promotion, promotion, promotion, restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐, Christmas Party, Christmas party, annual dinner, Annual Dinner, 聖誕派對, 週年聚餐, 週年晚宴, 週年晚飯, 生日, 派對, bridal shower, bridal shower ,母親節,dinner, dinner, mother'sday,食譜,食譜,食譜,食譜,recipe,recipe,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,food,food,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant in hong kong,restaurant in hong kong,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,restaurant, 特色小食, 小食, 小食, 慶典包場, 慶典, 包場, 慶典, 包場, 到會, 晚餐, 晚餐, 晚飯, 晚飯, 晚飯, Private kitchen, private dining, private kitchen, private dinner, french restaurant,french restaurant,restaurant,restaurant, dinner, dinner, fine food, fine food, French food, French food 私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,private kitchen, private kitchen, private kitchen,promotion, promotion, promotion, restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐,晚餐, Christmas Party, Christmas party, annual dinner, Annual Dinner, 聖誕派對, 週年聚餐, 週年晚宴, 週年晚飯, 生日, 派對, bridal shower, bridal shower ,母親節,dinner, dinner, mother'sday,食譜,食譜,食譜,食譜,recipe,recipe,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,餐廳,food,food,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant,restaurant in hong kong,restaurant in hong kong,私房菜,私房菜,私房菜,餐廳,私房菜,私房菜,restaurant, 特色小食, 小食, 小食, 慶典包場, 慶典, 包場, 慶典, 包場, 到會, 晚餐, 晚餐, 晚飯, 晚飯, 晚飯, Private kitchen, private dining, private kitchen, private dinner, french restaurant,french restaurant,restaurant,restaurant, dinner, dinner, fine food, fine food, French food, French food